About Freddie Downing

Freddie Downing is the Conservative candidate for the London Assembly constituency of City and East. The constituency covers the London Boroughs of Barking & Dagenham, Newham and Tower Hamlets, as well as the whole of the City of London. 

Born and raised in Yorkshire, Freddie's always tried to follow the example his parents set: to be independent; to earn what you have; and with hard work and determination, you can achieve almost anything. 

Freddie studied history at the University of Cambridge and completed a masters at the University of Oxford. In 2016, he joined Deloitte, where he qualified as a Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax Advisor. He now works in Westminster, leading a Cabinet Minister's Parliamentary team. 

City and East has been his home for several years. He's lived in Stratford for seven years and worked in the City of London for five years. The reason he's standing as the candidate here is simple: he cares about his community and he doesn't like what's happened to it under Sadiq Khan. 

The Conservative Government has given us more police officers than ever before, but Khan still can't keep our neighbourhoods safe. The Conservative Government has given Khan £9 billion of taxpayers' cash for affordable housing, but we still don't have enough homes. The Conservative Government has bailed out TfL, but Khan still hasn't stopped the tube strikes. 

The present Mayor has had his chance and he's failed. It's time for a change in London. 

Between now and election day, Freddie will be working hard with the City and East team, as well as Conservatives across London and further afield, to shine a spotlight on the years of Labour neglect, as well as setting out a positive vision for the city we know London can be. 

City and East can be the difference that gets Susan Hall over the line next year and beats Sadiq Khan. Let's make it happen!